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What is Challenge Builder?
Maya Meller avatar
Written by Maya Meller
Updated over 11 months ago

Challenge Builder is a creativity platform that can be used alongside Coding Adventure.

Challenge Builder allows for students and teachers to create their own CodeMonkey Coding Adventure challenges, using CoffeeScript, a real programming language.
Through creating challenges, children practice logical reasoning, algorithms, creativity, and computer programming.

Teachers can create challenges for students to solve as extra work or to assess their understanding of a specific concept.

To access Challenge Builder:

  1. Click on 'Courses' on the left-hand-side menu. 

  2. Scroll all the way down to 'Creativity'.

  3. Click on the Challenge Builder, and a window will pop up.

  4. Click on 'Start Coding' to create your own challenge!

Students can create and share challenges with their classmates.
You will be able to locate your created challenges under the 'Creations' tab.

Once you created a challenge (way to go!), the next step would be to submit a solution. Only after a solution is submitted will a challenge be shared with the class. 

*Note- Challenge Builder is available for classrooms with an active Classroom subscription and for home users with an active Home plan. 

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