Note: The restoration process varies according to whether the student was archived with the classroom or individually.
Archived with Class:
Go to the My Classrooms list.
Click on the kebab menu (three dots) to the right of the "+ Add New Classroom" button.
Click on "Archived Classrooms".
Choose the classroom with the archived student.
In the ‘Student’ tab, locate the student who needs to be restored and click on the ‘Move’ button next to the student’s name.
In the pop-up, use the drop down menu to select the active classroom you want to move the student too.
Click on ‘move student’.
Archived Individually:
Go to the My Classrooms list.
Click on the kebab menu (three dots) to the right of the "+ Add New Classroom" button.
Click on ‘Archived Students’.
The next page contains all individually archived students, including which classroom they were previously in. Locate the student who needs to be restored and click ‘Restore’ in the actions column.
A pop-up will appear asking to confirm the account restoration. Click on ‘Restore’ to confirm. Note: Unarchiving a student will use up available seats.
If the classroom the student came from is still active, that student will be assigned back to that classroom. If the classroom is no longer available, in the next window there will appear an option to choose which classroom the student should be added to. Click on ‘move student’ to confirm.