In case you have purchased or received a redemption code* to activate a CodeMonkey home subscription, please follow these instructions:
*A redemption code consists of 24 characters (letters and numbers)
1. Go to and click on “SIGN UP”
*If you already have a CodeMonkey account, skip to #5.
2. Sign up as a PARENT user and complete the fields in the Parent Sign Up form.
*You will receive a confirmation email to confirm your email address - don't do anything with this yet, we will get to that in a moment!
3. Create a CHILD user for your child with a username and password. These are the details that your child will use to login to CodeMonkey.
4. Confirm the activation email that has been sent to your email address. Example below:
5. In order to activate the code you have received, login to your Parent account.
6. Once you are logged-in, go to your account page: click on the menu on the upper right corner, and choose ‘My Account’.
7. Scroll down to the Manage Subscription table, and to the right, click on “Have a redemption code?”
8. Enter the redemption code and click on ‘Activate subscription’
9. After you click on ‘Activate Subscription” a message will appear confirming that you activated your subscription. You have now activated the subscription for your child!
10. In order to access the subscription’s content, your child would need to login to their account.