Make sure that the teacher you wish to move the class to is associated with your Admin account (if not, then this is how you add a teacher from the admin dashboard).
Click on the Classrooms tab/Classrooms icon, they will get you to the same place.
3. You will see a list of active classrooms and on the end of each row a pencil icon. Click the pencil icon to edit. The row will change color, which signals that the row is on edit mode.
4. In the TEACHER column, if you click on the teacher name it will become a dropdown menu of existing teachers. Choose the teacher you'd like to assign the class to.
5. On the CO-TEACHER column, if you click on the co-teacher field it will become a dropdown menu of existing teachers. Choose the co-teacher you'd like to assign the class to.
6. Click Save (floppy disk icon located near the pencil icon).